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Jon Baines ToursUpcoming Medical & Professional Tours

Group meals very well organised … all food and service good. Visits to places of medical historical interest very well-organised. All our local guides knew a lot and communicated well … Good choices.

James Stuart, Medical Humanities tour of Scotland, 18-26 June 2017

Jon Baines ToursUpcoming Cultural Tours

All meals were good. Excellent wine! [Visits] ‘Excellent – all the libraries were very interesting and it was lovely to meet such well-informed and enthusiastic library specialists. Enjoyed learning more about restoration work at the Lisbon Archives (Torre de Tombe). Excellent tour, great group, lots of interesting information to absorb. It had made me aware of the history of Portugal which I had not previously known much about.

Susan Merner, Libraries, Information and History in Lisbon, November 2018